27 09, 2019

Sustainability in interior design


Last night I attended Kelling Designs' inaugural sustainability evening at their flamboyant shop in Langton Street, London. It was a cosy, lively affair with their founder Emma Deterding probing three panel guests on their thoughts on how to embed sustainability in the building and interior design world. The three guests were: Edward Bulmer: natural paint [...]

Sustainability in interior design2019-09-30T13:13:16+01:00
20 03, 2019

How to plan a sustainable kitchen renovation


Change occurs by the actions we take and the choices we make and nowhere is this more apparent than in what we do with our homes. It's taken a while, but we've finally woken up to the fact that sustainability is the future of building and product design. Incorporating it into the most frequently remodeled [...]

How to plan a sustainable kitchen renovation2019-09-26T15:33:07+01:00
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